CLI for the BunnyCDN provider (v0.3)

Project maintained by DKFN Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Uploading file or directories

Uploading a file into a storage is done via cp command, directories with -R (recursive) option

Make sure you have a storage password stored and then use cp

Please note that there is no progress bar as of now, backgrounded large file uploads may look idle.


bnycdn cp -s <name_of_storage_key> [-R|-r] <path_from_machine> <path_to_storage>

Please note that the path must start with the storage name from bunnycdn.

For example, my storage name is testcdn.


Single file upload

$ bnycdn cp -s testcdn ./dist/deb/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_amd64.deb ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/testup.deb 
 ⌛ [UP]                 ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/testup.deb => 8.92 MB
 ✔ [OK]                 ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/testup.deb => 8.92 MB

Directory upload

$ bnycdn cp -s testcdn -R ./dist/deb/ ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/           
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 1 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages => 1.04 KB
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 2 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.bz2 => 661 B
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 3 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.gz => 596 B
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 4 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.xz => 656 B
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 5 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Release => 1.96 KB
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 6 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_amd64.deb => 8.92 MB
 ⌛ [UP] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 7 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_armel.deb => 7.8 MB
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 6 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Release => 1.96 KB
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 5 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages => 1.04 KB
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 4 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.bz2 => 661 B
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 3 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.xz => 656 B
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 2 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages.gz => 596 B
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 1 | o 0]    ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_armel.deb => 7.8 MB
 ✔ [OK]                 ./testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_amd64.deb => 8.92 MB