CLI for the BunnyCDN provider (v0.3)

Project maintained by DKFN Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Getting started

Early rabbit notice

The documentation is still work in progress like the projet.


Follow installation procedures dependings on your installation desires.

Register API Key

In order to use most of the functionnalities of the CLI you need to register an API key using this command:

$ bnycdn key set default <your_key_from_panel>
 ⓘ Key successfully set: default

All keys are stored in ~/.bunnycdn text file

There is two types of keys: Pullzones and Storages.

List your pullzones

Once you have set your API key set, lets try to list all the pullzones:

$ bnycdn pz list
id     cacheQuality  name             hostnames                                                   
-----  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------
585XX  75            A                [820XX] a.b-cdn.net ;                         
598XX  75            B                [841XX] b.b-cdn.net ; [841XX] cdn.example.com ; 

Get stats

You can also get stats and billing information via

$ bnycdn stats
$ bnycdn billing

Download a file

This cli implements a simple clone of the unix cp command. If you are working with the terminal in Linux or MacOS you might be familliar with it.

Here is for example a simple download file:

$ bnycdn cp -s testcdn /tetelincdn/nightly/deb/test.deb ./myfolder/mydeb.deb
⌛ [DL]                 ./myfolder/mydeb.deb =>  ? 
⌛ [IO]                 ./myfolder/mydeb.deb => 8.97 MB
✔ [OK]                 ./myfolder/mydeb.deb => 8.97 MB

Upload a file

Uploading a file is also using cp but instead of putting the cdn address first we put it as the destination and chose the file from the disk

$ bnycdn cp -s testcdn ./dist/deb/bnycdn_0.3.0-1_amd64.deb /tetelincdn/nightly/deb/test.deb
⌛ [UP]                 /tetelincdn/nightly/deb/test.deb => 8.97 MB
✔ [OK]                 /tetelincdn/nightly/deb/test.deb => 8.97 MB

Feel free to read the manual for recursive download and orther operations You can also get help from any command with -h flag (bnycdn cp -h)

Browse command tutorial and/or manuals

The docs contains pratical examples for what you may want to do and manual pages if you want to use more specific options.


Contributions are very welcomed, if you are not really sure how to start it feel free to join my Discord and let me know what’s up :)

Contributions may be as simple as trying the CLI and letting me know what you found unconvenient or convenient, outside looks are welcomed !