CLI for the BunnyCDN provider (v0.3)
Listing files and directory in a storage is done via ls command
Make sure you have a storage password stored and then use ls
(ls implementation)
bnycdn [-s <storage_key_name>] <path_of_storage_directory>
Please note that the path must start with the storage name from bunnycdn.
For example, my storage name is testcdn.
Adding a key and then listing all directories:
$ bnycdn ls -s testcdn /testcdn/
type lastChanged size path
--------- ----------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
[ DIR ] 2019-03-11T22:08:20.501 0 B /testcdn/minireddit
[ DIR ] 2019-03-10T21:24:20.971 0 B /testcdn/nightly
[ FILE ] 2019-03-09T23:27:04.895 1 MB /testcdn/samplebig.mkv
[ FILE ] 2019-03-10T00:32:26.305 1000 MB /testcdn/1GB.bin
[ FILE ] 2019-03-16T12:51:56.237 317 B /testcdn/manifest.json
[ FILE ] 2019-03-09T23:36:43.722 10.01 MB /testcdn/samplemid1.mkv
[ FILE ] 2019-03-09T23:24:16.448 97.11 KB /testcdn/paris.jpg
$ bnycdn ls -s testcdn /testcdn/nightly/
type lastChanged size path
--------- ----------------------- ---- -----------------------
[ DIR ] 2019-03-10T21:59:01.941 0 B /testcdn/nightly/deb