CLI for the BunnyCDN provider (v0.3)

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Managing keys and password

Via the key command you can add, edit and delete API keys and storage passwords.


bnycdn [-t <key_type>] [set|list|del] [<key_name>] [<key_value>] 

Possible key_type values:


Add default API Key:

$ bnycdn key set default my_api_key_from_panel
ⓘ Successfully deleted key : default

Add aliased API Key (If you have multiple accounts):

$ bnycdn key set myKeyName my_api_key_from_panel
ⓘ Successfully deleted key : myKeyName

Add a storage Key:

$ bnycdn key -t storages set mynewkey my_storage_ftp_password
ⓘ Key successfully set: mynewkey

Add a default storage Key:

$ bnycdn key -t storages set default my_storage_ftp_password
ⓘ Key successfully set: mynewkey

Delete a key

$ bnycdn key -t storages del mynewkey                        
ⓘ Successfully deleted key : mynewkey