CLI for the BunnyCDN provider (v0.3)

Project maintained by DKFN Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Downloading file or directories

Downloading a file into a storage is done via cp command, directories with -R (recursive) option

Make sure you have a storage password stored and then use cp

A read only storage password is enough for downloads, but you can use standard password of course.

Please note that there is no progress bar as of now, backgrounded large file downloads may look idle.


bnycdn cp -s <storage_key_name> [-R|-r] <path_from_bunnycdn> <path_to_machine> 

Please note that the path must start with the storage name from bunnycdn.

For example, my storage name is testcdn.


Download a single file

$ bnycdn cp -s testcdn /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/bnycdn_0.0.3-1_amd64.deb ./test/test.deb
 ⌛ [DL]                 ./test/test.deb =>  ? 
 ⌛ [IO]                 ./test/test.deb =>  ? 
 ✔ [OK]                 ./test/test.deb => 8.92 MB

Download directory recursivly

$ bnycdn cp -R -s testcdn /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/ ./testfiles/
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 1 | o 0]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/Packages => 1.04 KB
 ⌛ [DL] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 2 | o 0]    ./testfiles/Packages => 1.04 KB
 [ truncated for readability]
 ⌛ [DL] [ ∞ 2| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    ./testfiles/bnycdn_0.0.2-1_armel.deb => 7.66 MB
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 2| ⇅ 7 | o 1]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/deb/Release => 1.96 KB
 ⌛ [DL] [ ∞ 2| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    ./testfiles/deb/Release => 1.96 KB
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 2| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/deb/Packages.xz => 652 B
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 3| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/deb/Packages.gz => 594 B
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 4| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/deb/Packages.bz2 => 661 B
 ↻ [WT] [ ∞ 5| ⇅ 8 | o 1]    /testcdn/bunnycdncli/nightly/deb/Packages => 1.04 KB
 [ truncated for readability]
 ⌛ [IO] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 1 | o 14]    ./testfiles/bnycdn_0.0.2-1_amd64.deb => 8.78 MB
 ✔ [OK] [ ∞ 0| ⇅ 1 | o 15]    ./testfiles/bnycdn_0.0.2-1_amd64.deb => 8.78 MB